Unit 4: Statistics & Test Construction

                Scales of Measurement:
Nominal Scale:
A set of categories for classifying people or objects (e.g., eye color, gender, political affiliation)
Ordinal Scale: A scale indicating the order or relative position of items or people based on some criterion (i.e., 1st place, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
Interval Scale: Scale with equal distances between points, but with no true zero point (e.g., temperature, most psychological tests)
Ratio Scale: Scale with equal distances between points and with a true zero point, thus we can say something is twice as much as something else (e.g., inches of rainfall, distance in miles, etc.)
             Measures of Central Tendency
Arithmetical average calculated by dividing a sum of values by the total number of cases
Median: Point that divides a set of scores in half.
Mode: The most frequent score in a distribution of scores
*Of these three measures, the MEAN is most affected by outliers or extreme scores.
                   Measures of Variation
Difference between the largest and smallest scores in a distribution.
Variance: A statistical average of the amount of dispersion around the mean in a distribution of the scores.  It is the Standard Deviation squared.
Standard Deviation: A statistical measure of the amount of dispersion in a set of scores.  Specifically, it is the square root of the average squared deviations from the mean of a set of scores.  It is simply the square root of the variance.
*Of the three measures, the STANDARD DEVIATION is most affected by outliers.
                   Distributions of Scores
Normal Curve:
Hypothetical, bell-shaped distribution of scores that occurs when a normal distribution is plotted as a frequency polygon.
In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode are all equal and divide the distribution in half (the 50th percentile).

Percentile Rank:
Reflects the percentage of subjects who score lower than the subject in question
The Normal Distribution

Positively Skewed Distribution: A distribution where most scores are clustered at the lower end of the curve, with a few very high scores creating a long "tail" to the right.  The mean is greater than the median, and the median is greater than the mode.

Negatively Skewed Distribution: A distribution where most scores are clustered at the upper end of the curve, with a few very low scores creating a long "tail" to the left.  The mean is less than the median, and the median is less than the mode.


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