Major Depressive Disorder : two or more weeks during which a person is over- whelmed by feelings of sadness, apathy, worthlessness and guilt.
Mania : state in which a person is overly excited, hyperactive, and optimistic. Bipolar Disorder : the person alternates between periods of depression & mania.
Explaining Affective Disorders
Biological Model:
     Genetics—runs in families, higher concordance rate in identical than fraternal twins.
     Biochemical----serotonin &
norepinephrine levels in the brain are low during periods of depression & high during periods of mania.
Behavioral Model:
     operant conditioning—reinforcement
     learned helplessness (Seligman)
Cognitive Model:
     negative & irrational attributions—
     explain bad events in terms that are
     stable, global, and internal (Beck)
Depression’s vicious cycle: stress--> negative explanations-->depressed mood-->cognitive
& behavioral changes-->stress
Personality Disorders
A person exhibits inflexible & maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving that impair social functioning.
Schizoid : withdrawn, lacks feelings for others.
Paranoid : inappropriately suspicious and mistrustful of others.
Narcissistic : exaggerated sense of self- importance & need for constant attention. Antisocial : violent, criminal, or unethical behavior due to lack of conscious.
: instability in mood, self-image, & personal relationships. Self-mutilation,
impulsiveness, sexual promiscuity,
substance abuse, “splitting”, & suicidal threats
Schizophrenic Disorders
Disturbances in thought, communication, emotions, & perceptions. May include:
     Hallucinations: false sensory perceptions
     Delusions: false beliefs about reality
Positive Symptoms
: incoherent speech,
hallucinations, delusions, “strange”
Negative Symptoms : motionlessness, stupor, lack of emotion (flat affect)
Schizophrenic Subtypes
: bizarre speech & behavior— Flat or inappropriate affect.
: disturbed motor behavior— immobility or excessive movement. Mimicking of others’ speech & movements or “waxy flexibility”.
Paranoid : excessive suspiciousness & complex, bizarre delusions.
: symptoms from more than one of the above categories.
Development of Schizophrenia
Acute (reactive)
: Sudden onset—best prognosis.
Chronic (process) : Slower development over a long period of time—worse prognosis
Explaining Schizophrenia
Brain anatomy:
      large ventricles & shrinkage of
      cerebral tissue
      more common in people with a close
      relative who has the disorder (e.g., 50%
concordance in identical twins, 16% in
      fraternal twins.
Prenatal virus: (still under study)
Biochemical: too many dopamine
receptors in the brain.
See HANDOUTS for more info

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