AP Psychology Homework
 History of Psychology

Code: ______________________

Fill in the blank

      1.   The principle that inherited traits that contribute to reproduction and survival will be most likely to be passed on to succeeding generations.  ______________  ______________.

      2.   The psychological perspective that focuses on how the body and brain create emotions, memories, and sensory experiences.  _________________________

      3.   The psychological perspective that focuses on how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information.  _________________________  psychology

      4.   The type of scientific research that aims to solve practical problems.  ______________   research

      5.   The type of research that is "pure science".  It is only aimed at increasing the scientific knowledge base.  ____________________  research.

      6.   The early school of psychology that used "introspection" to study the elemental components of the human mind.
Wundt and Titchner were proponents of this school.  ________________________.

      7.   The early school of psychology that focused on how mental and behavioral processes help organisms adapt,
survive, and flourish.  William James headed this group.  ______________________.

      8.   The school of psychology that has the motto: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts", and focuses much
of its work in the field of perception.  _____________________ psychology

      9.   The psychological perspective that focuses on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures.  _______________-_______________ psychology.

      10.  The psychological perspective that focuses on "learning", but only in terms of how observable behavior is
influenced by contingencies in the environment.   ______________________________

      11.  The long-standing controversy over the relative contributions that genes and experience make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors.  ___________________ vs __________________.

      12.  The science of behavior and mental processes.            ________________________.          

      13   The psychological perspective that focuses on how our genes, and our environment influence individual differences.  __________________  _________________

      14.  The branch of medicine that deals with psychological disorders.  It is practiced by physicians who sometimes provide
 medical treatments as well as psychological therapy.  _______________________

      15.  The branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological problems. 
 _____________________    psychology

      16.  The psychological perspective that focuses on how nature selects traits that promote the perpetuation of one's genes.
 _______________________ psychology

      17.  The psychological approach that examines how behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts.  ________________________ theory

  18.  The “Big Issue” in psychology that asks, “do our individual traits persist as we age or are our personality traits fairly
 unstable over time”.  __________________ vs _______________


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